If you’re a pregnant woman currently living in Singapore or anywhere else in the world where there are restrictions on the operation of various businesses/movements, getting a prenatal massage now is simply and unfortunately, not an option. As you progress with your pregnancy, your beautiful belly bump is only going to get bigger and heavier. And with it, comes the terrible backaches and awful water retention that you’ve been warned about.
So what can we do to alleviate the back pain when at home? Although we can’t say that these tips will take away all semblance of pain, it will definitely help to ease the struggle. Here are 10 Ways To Relieve Pregnancy Backache During The #CircuitBreaker. If there are any other tips that have helped your backache, do share them with us too!

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#1 Ask your partner/family member for a massage
Well if you can’t get a massage from a parlour, the next best thing you can get would be a massage from your partner or family member. Aside from giving you some much-needed pain relief, this would be a great way for you and your partner/family member to spend some quality time together.
That being said, do take the necessary precautions before the massage. Do not receive the massage lying down on your belly as this would harm the baby. Suggested positions to adopt include lying on your side on the bed or sitting upright. Also, ensure that any pressure applied to your back is not excessive and that your massage partner avoids the spine. Incorporate pillows into the massage wherever support is required.

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#2 Breathe right
Another suggestion that could relive pregnancy backache is to practice deep breathing. Due to the growth of the baby during pregnancy, this will inevitably result in pressure to various organs within the body, including your ribcage. Added presure on the ribcage could contribute to back pain. Thus, set aside some time to do some deep breathing exercises which would intentionally get your rib cage moving properly and release some tightness in your back muscles.

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#3 Change your mattress to a firm one
This is a no-brainer really. You’d hear many say that it is important to invest in a good bed, or at least in a mattress with a level of firmness that is suitable for your needs. After all, we spend at least 30-40% of our day sleeping and if you’re expecting, a little more rest isn’t unheard of. Since you’re going to spend so much time in the bed, do consider procuring a mattress that would be able to give your back more support. If you’re not keen on the aforesaid, you can also place a wooden board under your mattress.

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#4 Give yourself more support with pillows
Pillows will be your best friend during the term of your pregnancy, and don’t feel shy about using them in any part of your daily routine! For me, I even have a pillow in the car that I use to cushion my belly and when I sit on a chair, I find myself reaching for a pillow to place under my belly for that extra weight support. Even if it comes to a bed overflowing with pillows, remember that your comfort remains a priority given that your belly is going to continue to grow. Take the necessary precautions early to avoid the splitting pain later.

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#5 Good posture is everything
Even when you’re not pregnant, you’d definitely hear people stressing on the importance of having good posture whether you are sitting or standing. Good posture is recognised to play a big role in preventing and soothing back pain.
When seated, be mindful about your seating position and try to stay close to the edge of the seat. This would put your pelvis in a position that is more mobile position and alleviate back pain. You can also place a small pillow behind your lower back for extra support. Do try not to spend too much time sitting as this could tighten your hip flexor muscles which would pull on your lower back. When standing, avoid keeping your feet too close together as that could irritate your back. And if you have to bend to retrieve someone/something from the floor, bend your knees instead of rounding your back.

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#6 Get active whilst staying indoors
Exercise is a great way to keep your muscles active whilst relieving back pain. If you’re looking for some inspiration, why not check out these 12 free prenatal workouts that you can do right from the comfort of your own home.
#7 Heat pack(s) could be your best friend
Although there is no medical evidence that cold or heat packs have an effect on pain relief, there may be some merit in giving this suggestion a try. Place a heat or cold pack under your lower back and this may provide some temporary relief to the soreness felt. However, do not apply heat to your abdomen area during pregnancy.

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#8 Seek medical advice from your gynaecologist
Again, if you’re not sure about how to remedy your backaches, do seek medical advice from your gynaecologist. He or she would be best placed to answer your concerns and even provide a plan specific to your condition and back pain.

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#9 Sleep on your side
Sleeping on your side with your knees bent as opposed to on your back could help with the pregnancy backache. But if you’re more used to sleeping on your back, do consider placing an additional pillow behind your lower back for extra support for the weight from your belly. You can also use a pregnancy or support pillow for more support.

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#10 Use a maternity belt
Wearing a maternity belt would help to ease the heaviness of your belly as the maternity belt would relieve some stress that your ligaments, muscles and fascia of the girdle area bear. However, a maternity belt should only be worn when you expect to be on your feet for an extended period of time, whether you’re on the move or doing bending or lifting. Do also avoid wearing the maternity belt too tightly otherwise, this may result in pelvic organ prolapse.
In addition, try not to wear the maternity belt when you are seated as this may lead to discomfort in your pelvic region. Further, an overreliance on the maternity belt could also lead to the muscles in the girdle area becoming “lazy”. If you’re unsure of how to use a maternity belt, do consult a practitioner or your gynaecologist for more advice.
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