We’ve worked so hard on this project of love and are proud to introduce everyone to Little Child of Mine’s very own breastmilk storage bag. After pumping for 14 months and trying out many different brands of breastmilk storage bags, Marc decided to create his very own ideal breastmilk storage bag which incorporates various design elements that we found helpful during our breastfeeding journey. The design of the breastmilk bag and the box was created from scratch, and we worked with various suppliers to ensure that the breastmilk bags are reliable and are of excellent quality. We know that we’re...

UV & Steam Sterilizers: For Better or For Worse
Hygiene and cleanliness are the top-most priority for mothers regarding items commonly used for infant care. This is important for infants and toddlers with immature immune systems that makes them easy targets for viruses and bacteria. Whilst understanding the need for cleanliness, it got me wondering whether it’s an extra expense that we as parents would want to fork out for an “added peace of mind”. My parents stood by the time-tested method of using boiling hot water to disinfect baby bottles after a cursory (soapy) wash. Then again, as society goes through a mindset-shift to provide a higher standard...

Finished Your CNY Shopping? Here’s 10 Places To Buy Matching Outfits
With Chinese New Year around the corner, have you purchased your outfits for the occasion yet? Well, if you’re looking for the opportunity to dress up with your little one, getting a matching outfit set with your baby isn’t a bad idea. And if you think it’s too late to get started on your search, we’ve done the work for you so that you can save a little time and get your orders home in time for the CNY celebrations. Here are 10 Places To Purchase Mom & Baby Outfits for CNY. Remember to take tons of photographs to commemorate...

7 Children Accident Insurance Options To Consider
We initially didn’t think much about accident insurance. We thought that it was a good to have, and that even if we bought one for Ruth, we wouldn’t need to use it. Of course, we were completely mistaken about this last October and November and were taught even more about the importance of accident insurance for children. For both admissions to NUH and Gleneagles (and of course the operation costs), we were able to receive a full reimbursement for these expenses. This was a massive weight lifted off our shoulders which were already worn down from the weariness of caring...

6 Best Scar Gels for Children
With our daughter’s recent accident i.e. multiple lacerations to the skin on her cheeks, we are always on the lookout for scar creams / gels that promise great results. However, with children, there aren’t many options available on the market so we decided to put together a list of medically-approved scar gels for children so that parents in similar situations will have a list to reference. To be upfront, we’ve had great results with one of the gels in this list thus far. Although Ruth still has a long road ahead of her, the result that we’ve got in just...

Your Hospital Checklist For Unwanted Emergencies
Since we moved into our new place, we’ve been in the hospital twice as Ruth was admitted for various facial and head injuries, but that’s a story for another day. This is not a piece that we’d have hoped to write but thought that it may be useful for some of you who want to hope for the best but expect the worst. So here’s our hospital checklist for your child’s unwanted emergency. Even if you don’t manage to grab everything the first time round, you can refer to this list when grabbing things from home when you catch a...

Happy 1st Birthday, Ruth
Happy birthday, Ruth. Happy first birthday, Ruth. People have always said that time will fly by quickly when you raise a child. But I couldn’t comprehend the full meaning of that saying until this month when I realized that you were already going to turn one. And truth be told, it was so difficult to see the “light at the end of the tunnel” when I was so sleep-deprived and in pain. But now, I do. My little Ruth, my little girl. You’ve grown so much over the past 12 months. From a tiny 2.735kg baby who put me through...

The Best Silicone Teethers That Will Make Your Kid Smile
Teething is one of the most “painful” experiences of parenthood; both for the parents and the little baby. But thankfully, someone created teethers. Teethers are said to give babies’ gums a little comfort as sucking on the teether creates some pressure on the gum, and thereby pain relief. It also helps that the teethers keep your little one entertained whilst you’re rushing out their meals, or trying to pack up and get everyone out of the door. We’ve recently launched our Little Child of Mine Store, the Essentials. Here, we specially curated a selection of silicone teethers that are not...

26 Baby & Toddler Swim Schools in Singapore To Fuel Your Child’s Swim Fever
One thing that I’m sure all of us can agree on is that Singapore is really very hot. And the best way to cool off from the heat is to take a plunge in the pool. But before enjoying some pool time, it is quintessential to make sure that your little ones are armed with proper swimming techniques and safety skills so that you avoid unwanted accidents. Not sure where to take classes? Here is our guide to 26 Baby and Toddler Swim Schools in Singapore. Whether you prefer to take classes in the convenience of your apartment’s swimming complex,...

The ONLY Guide You Need To 47 Online Fresh Food Deliveries In Singapore
During this COVID-19 pandemic, it always pays to be safer than sorry and to stay at home. And for those who have to step outside for groceries, you really don’t have to. There are so many online platforms in Singapore that have farm-to-table concepts, and they can deliver the very best and freshest produce right to your doorstep. This not only saves you the time to go down to the grocery store, but you also can stay safe during this pandemic whilst enjoying competitive prices on your fresh goods. As a mom, I make it a point to only feed...